Lotus Temple Delhi
***** Location: India
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity

It is a very recent architectural marvel of the Bahai faith, located in Kalkaji, south of Delhi. Shaped like a half opened Lotus flower, this temple is made of marble, cement, dolomite and sand. It is open to all faiths and is an ideal place for meditation and obtaining peace and tranquility. Bahai Temple is a marvel of modern architecture, which is visible from several spots in south Delhi.
The lotus flower signifies purity and peace, a representation of the Manifestation of God, to the people of India. This ancient symbol has been given a modern and contemporary form in the structure of the Bahai House of Worship drawing into its sanctum sanctorum people from all races, religious backgrounds and culture from around the globe. It represents the Bahai faith, - an independent world religion; divine in origin, all embracing in scope, broad in its outlook, scientific in its method, humanitarian in its principles, and dynamic in the influence.
inauguration to public worship in December 1986.
Fariborz Sahba, Canadian architect of Iranian origin, spent 10 years in designing and project management, and with the help of a team of about 800 engineers, technicians, artisans and workers brought to realisation one of the most complicated constructions in the world.
The Indian visitors, from the most sophisticated to the most simple, expressed perplexity at the absence of any idols. It has been a hard task since explaining to them that the all-pervasive Almighty cannot be put in any limited form. Hence, over the years the visitors from India have begun to understand that the purpose of the Bahai House of Worship is to unite the hearts of the people and bring them closer to their Creator.
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Lotus Temple~ India~Haiku
Wonder of the world
Made by man, for man on Earth
Pray for Peace on Earth
charles garcia, 2007
the lotus temple~
stepping inside
the group ends chatter
sunil uniyal, India, 2007
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***** Peace and War
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1 comment:
Read this story http://www.ghumakkar.com/2008/04/11/baha%e2%80%99i-house-of-worship-%e2%80%93-the-lotus-temple/ in your free time. It tries to capture all the minor details about the temple and is pretty thorough in my opinion.
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