
Aju Mukhopadhyay

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Aju Mukhopadhyay

AJU MUKHOPADHYAY is a well-known Indian writer.

Aju Mukhopadhyay is a poet, essayist, feature and fiction writer.
His features and articles include those on travel, food, health and culture, festivals, on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, on Nature, Spiritualism and Environment and many other subjects. He has been writing short stories for many years. He has three books of short stories and two books of poems among his thirteen books in Bengali, which include poems, biographies, essays and translations. He edited two little magazines (Chhota Galpo and Sampratik Chhoto Galpo) for short stories in Bengali between 1967 and 1970. Some of his stories have been translated in other languages and included in anthologies.

His short stories in English have been published in various renowned magazines and have been broadcast through All India Radio. He has authored eight books in English, which include novel, poems, biography, short story and environment.

He has two books of poems published in English, titled
The Witness Tree and
Short Verse Vast Universe
which have been highly acclaimed in magazines and newspapers. His poems have been included in anthologies and internet magazines.

He has been awarded Certificate of Competence as a Published Writer by the Writers Bureau, Manchester, UK and awarded Best Poet of the Year-2003 by the Poets International, Bangalore, India. He is a member of the Research Board of Advisors of the American Biographical Institute.

He is a nature and animal lover. He works and writes for the protection of nature and environment.

Look at his BLOG here:


Short Verse Vast Universe (A book of Poems)

This is a book of Haiku, Zen, Tanka and short poems in the Japanese style.
. . .www.ajumukhopadhyay.com/New_Releases.html


Spring Festivals in India

Read an Essay by Aju Mukhopadhyay


Short Verse
A Heritage of World Literature

Read an Essay by Aju Mukhopadhyay


Reddened with pan
her lips attracted
the village macho.

Giving fruit and water
Spreading hands over our head
Tree mothers us.

Last year in the grave
her body was laid innocent
now covered by thorns violent.

© Aju Mukhopadhyay, 2006


From the Pune Haiku Meet, December 2006

dipping dancing and
gesting alone in Mulamutha-
happy cormorant.

light and shade, cobwebs
Mulamutha flows timidly;
dark Nala park.

trees bushes cobwebs
in dark canopied Nala park
guard the silence.

A damsel in blue camis
ambles in the green meadow
a tree witnesses.

River Mula welcomes
the morning sun, broken through
leaves and stalks.

© Aju Mukhopadhyay


Short Verse Delight
ISBN: 978-93-81032-01-5.

wasps buzz
in the heart of the lotus
usurpers be aware

Reviewed by Patricia Prime

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***** Haiku in India


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