Marigold Tagetes
***** Location: India
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Plant, Humanity
is a genus of 56 species of annual and perennial mostly herbaceous plants in the sunflower family (Asteraceae or Compositae).

The name Tagetes is from the name of the Etruscan Tages.
The common name in English, "marigold", is derived from "Mary's Gold", a name once exclusively applied to Calendula.
In Nepal it is called 'शयपत्री' that means hundred leafed flower, referring to its many florets per head.
The genus is native to North and South America, but some species have become naturalized around the world. One species, T. minuta, is considered a noxious invasive plant in some areas.
The marigold is very significant in Nepalese culture where marigold garlands are used almost in every household especially during the Tihar festival. It is always sold in the markets for daily worships and rituals.
The marigold is also widely cultivated in India and Thailand, particularly the species T. erecta, T. patula, and T. tenuifolia.
Vast quantities of marigolds are used in garlands and decoration for weddings, festivals, and religious events. Marigold cultivation is extensively seen in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Karnataka, and Uttar Pradesh.
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Tagetes is not to be confused with the genus
Calendula, which goes by "marigold" in some areas.

Click for more flower garlands from India.
Worldwide use
. karenjura カレンジュラ Calendula officinalis .
kinsenka 金盞花 (きんせんか) common marigold
..... jooshunka 常春花(じょうしゅんか)
..... chooshunka 長春花(ちょうしゅんか)
tokishirazu ときしらず
too kinsen 唐金盞(とうきんせん)Chinese calendula
kinsensoo 金盞草(きんせんそう)
kigo for late spring
. Marigold (Peacock plant) kujakusoo 孔雀草 .
harushagiku 波斯菊(はるしゃぎく)"Persian chrysanthemum"
janomesoo 蛇の目草(じゃのめそう)"snake eye plant"
koo oo soo 紅黄草(こうおうそう)
manjugiku 万寿菊(まんじゅぎく)"long live chrysanthemum"
marigoorudo マリーゴールド Marigold
fam. Tagetes
kigo for late summer
Things found on the way
Marigold flowers are used in all kinds of ceremonies in India, from weddings to funerals. They have a prominent place in Hindu culture. They are made into garlands, used to decorate temples as well as the biers. They are inexpensive and easily available almost year round.
temple gate --
a little girl with a gaunt face
sells marigold garlands
autumn wind …
crumbled marigold petals
on the funeral pyre
Shared by Sandip Sital Chauhan
Joys of Japan, September 2012
after the doli--
a drifting scent of marigold
in the empty courtyard
doli is hindi word for a palanquin or any vehicle in which the bride departs for her husband's home.
- Shared by Arvinder Kaur -
Joys of Japan, 2012

marigold garlands -
the sound of temple bells
quietens the inner noise
- Shared by Rosie Mann -
Joys of Japan, 2012
Related words
***** . Haiku from Punjab .
***** . Haiku from Nepal .
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