.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. The Haiku Scene of India
Special Announcements
Golconda Stones - Haiku Meet in Hyderabad
19-20 Oct 2013
source : www.museindia.com
Haiku Utsav 2013 Haiku Festival
source : arts-culture/haiku-utsav-2013
- - - - - and featured here
A Hundred Gourds 2:3 June 2013 - Haiku in India
source : ahundredgourds.com
World Haiku Club : The 9th WORLD HAIKU FESTIVAL
February 23 - 25, 2008, Bangalore, India
World Haiku Club : First Meet of Indian Haiku Poets
Pune, India, December 9/10 2006
Please help me update this page by contributing your information and haiku.
Gabi Greve
........ ....................Haiku Poets from India
Ankur Betageri (Muse India)
Smitha Chakravarthula
Dalip Daswani
Dr. Angelee Deodhar
Richa Dubey (Ishqa)
Mohammed Fakhruddin
Vidur Jyoti
Dr Dwarakanath H.Kabadi: Flickers Poems
Shekhar Kapur
Urmila Kaul
Vishnu P. Kapoor Vishnu Kapoor
Santosh Kumar
Rajiv Lather (see below)
Johannes Manjrekar
. . . . . . Scrawled Scribbles .
Aju Mukhopadhyay
Gautam Nadkarni
Harihar Patel
Pravat Kumar Padhy
Narayanan Raghunathan
Chitra Rajappa
Kala Ramesh
Kaniparambil Ramesh
Parimala Rao, Malini Rao
Yolanda Sangphugpha
i was inspired to write some haiku on the journey through india with my then-new friend tony. photographs and haiku became the way we processed the madness of india, every occasion demanding a new poem, every hot and dusty train journey made bearable by laughing over the stupidest new line, or nodding in sage agreement when one of us hit the nail on the head.
Yolanda Sangphugpha - India - Haibun
Gautam Sengupta
Minal Sarosh
Shyam Santhanam
Bamdev Sharma
Radhey Shiam
N.K. Singh
R. K. Singh, Ram Krishna Singh
Rebba Singh (Muse India)
A. Thiagrajan
Sunil Uniyal
Jagdish Vyom
Yajushi (Marella Ram Vinodh) In Memoriam : October 9, 2006
This list will be regularly updated.
Please add your information about further LINKS as a comment to this page or contact me directly.
Gabi Greve
In India, haiku is still not a widely used genre but certainly awareness on it, and its popularity, is spreading rapidly. Haiku is being written in several Indian languages, most notably in Hindi. In this issue of Muse India we present the Indian perspective of haiku and feature works of several Haijin.
Read more about the history of haiku in India HERE
Muse India : Haiku 2008
WKD Reference
Hindi Haiku
The Indian Haiku Club
Haiku, the Japanese Poem
..... by Prof. Satya Bhushan Verma
So far Indian haikus are not able to match the satori intended and achieved by the Japanese poets. But then the Indian lovers of haiku and Zen can always go back to Basho and Buson, Issa and Shiki, for an experience that transcends the merely aesthetic.
Read about it here:
SATORI IN 17 SYLLABLES / Dr Satya Bhushan Verma

Dr. Satya Bhushan Verma, of New Delhi, was selected for his scholarship on Japanese culture and for his encouragement of haiku-writing and publishing in Hindi. He has written extensively about haiku in both academic and popular venues in three languages (Hindi, Japanese, and English), and his books in Hindi are the standard works in their fields: Japani Kavitaen (1977) presents Japanese tanka and haiku,and Japani Haiku aur Adhunik Hindi Kavita (1983) compares Japanese haiku and short poems in Hindi and other Indian languages.
For nearly a decade beginning in the early 1970s, he published a newsletter of haiku in Hindi, the first such publication. His other major contributions include establishing the first Japanese language degree program in an Indian university and chairing a number of important Pan-Asian academic and cultural organizations. He was decorated with The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette, by the Emperor of Japan in 1996.
Shiki Award 2002
from the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Talk by Prof. Satya Bhushan Verma
............................................ Haiku the Japanese Poem
On a withered top of the tree
A crow, alone is perched
It is evening of autumn
This is a Haiku poem.
Haiku is a form of highly specialized Japanese poetry, which uses a set number of syllables. It is short, in fact the shortest from of poetry in the world. It has a few basic rules - the poems use a metre of 5-7-5 syllables in three lines (17 syllables in all); each line should be complete in itself in expressing an idea; season should be mentioned; and there should be spontaneity. Haiku is not a poem written in contemplation. In older days, it used to be popular in the royal courts in Japan to compose Haiku. The most respected man would start the first three lines, which was followed by others.
Prof. Satya Bhushan Verma spoke about Haiku in a lecture (Dec. 31) in which he traced how it came to India. He said Haiku came to Indians through English. The English translations of Haiku had naturally lost the spontaneity and when presented to the Indian readers, they did not have the original charm, he regretted. The first time any Indian poet ever mentioned Haiku was the reference to it by Rabindranath Tagore in his travel diary on his visit to Japan. Subsequently, there were others. Notable among the later poets who attempted Haiku both translation and composing was `Agyeya'.
Haiku is part of the Zen thought, Prof. Verma said. Composing poem was part of the religious practice of Zen. Zen is the philosophy that went to Japan from China. The philosophy owes its origin to India- it comes from dhyan, the Sanskrit word. Giving several examples, Prof. Verma explained as to how a Haiku poem leads the mind to think and provokes imagination. There is philosophy of life in these three short lines, he said.
For instance, the poem
A leaf falls
Lo! Another Leaf falls
With the wind
This poem on contemplation conveys the transitory nature of life. He said the reader has to be sensitive to understand Haiku.
Haiku: An Indian Perspective
by Dr. Angelee Deodhar
India , with eighteen officially recognized languages, uses English as an additional official language. The Indo-Aryan languages evolved from Sanskrit. Hindi is the official language of the Government of India, and is also the official language of six states. Hindi has several dialects.
Haiku has not gained popularity in India for several reasons. Although the haiku poem was known to poets as far back as the beginning of the twentieth century it did not become popular and the spread of Haiku poetry was sporadic. The Indian Nobel Laureate, Rabindranath Tagore, who wrote eloquently about Japanese culture and literary heritage. He was aware of the haiku poem and his collection of haiku like poems 'Fireflies' was published in English and Bengali. In 1916 the other national poet - Subramania Bharati wrote a long under the title -Japaniyat Kavitai (Japanese poetry) which was a lengthy critical appraisal of haiku where Bharati examined at length the opinion on haiku poems expressed by a Japanese poet, Yone Noguchi.
A three day seminar on 'Impact of Haiku in Indian literature' was held at the Institute of Asian Studies based in Chennai (Madras) from 29th-31st of March 2000. Several poets from India and Japan participated in this seminar but till now the abstracts of papers presented there are still not available.
The pioneer of haiku is India's first Japanese scholar Prof. Satyabhushan Verma - whose first translation of Japanese haiku into Hindi - 'Japani Kavitaian' was published in 1977. In 1981 Prof. Verma started a newsletter in Hindi called 'Haiku'. This was in the form of an aerogramme. This publication was discontinued in 1989. Prof. Satya Bhushan Verma, a professor emeritus of Jawaharlal Nehru University, was chosen for the Masaoka Shiki International Haiku Prize in 2002 . He shared the one million yen prize with an American poet - Cor van den Heuvel.
The second Indian whose efforts are to be commended is Prof. B.S. Aggarwala who publishes a Hindi quarterly journal called 'Haiku Bharati', started in 1998 and continuing till today. There are about 300 poets writing in their native mother tongues associated with this quarterly Hindi journal. Some haiku are translated from the original into Hindi, and then published. Prof. Aggarwala, the author of several books in Hindi is currently working on a history of haiku in Hindi.
English language haiku in India is slowly finding a foothold and there are quite a few haijin writing in English, but most of these poets' haiku is being published abroad. Some poets are bilingual or multilingual but haiku written in one language does not get easily assimilated into another.
One sees every recognized form of the English poem taught in schools all over India, but haiku is not taught.
Unfortunately, India does not have any formal haiku association or club. There are some Indian poetry magazines in which haiku are being published in English; however the Indian haiku scene is still far from satisfactory and needs all the help it can get. Books about haiku are still almost non existent and difficult to obtain. Unless haiku is introduced into the schools it will not gain the attention it deserves. The language for the study of haiku in India will have to be English, so that Indian poets can communicate and share h aiku with poets worldwide.
© Angelee Deodhar
Dr. Angelee Deodhar: Her Haiku Work
Yadi koi pooche: If someone asks
Haiku by Shiki, translated by Angelee Deodhar

Yuzuru Miura's Haiku Classics: A Master's Selection
Translated into Hindi by Angelee Deodhar, 2006
More Translations
Haiku of Kobayashi Issa
translated by Narayanan Raghunathan
Sirpi Balasubramaniam reflects:
People now have little time to read and so poetry thrives in shorter forms like Haiku. Short literary pieces are nothing new to Tamil, he avers. "The Tirukkural contains only couplets. Traditionally, there has been a place for such things in Tamil literature."
Haiku is not a modern form and has been in existence for over 500 years. "There is a clear set of guidelines for writing Haiku. However, a poem must not be constricted beyond a certain point", he states.
Copyright © 2003, The Hindu
The Haiku Scene in Tamil
... A.Thiagarajan
February 2008
WKD - Tamil, Tamiz - Haiku in Tamil
Safekeep copy
当日配布された冊子に寄稿されたJNUヒンディー語学科のランジート・サーハー教授のヒンディー語の小論文「Perspective Haiku: Sensitivity and Structure( )」や、国際俳句学会のウェブサイトに掲載されている「俳句―インドからの展望」という論考によれば、インドに俳句を初めて紹介したのは、アジア初のノーベル文学賞受賞者で詩聖と呼ばれるラヴィーンドラナート・タゴールであったらしい。1916年の日本旅行を題材にラヴィーンドラナートが書いた「日本旅行記」に、既に俳句に関する記述が見受けられ、彼は「俳句ほど短い詩は世界にないだろう」と紹介すると同時に、松尾芭蕉の有名な俳句を数首翻訳して掲載している。また、同時期にはタミル語の詩人スブラマニヤ・バーラティーも、日本の俳句に関する評論文を書いていたようだ。独立後になると、インドにおける俳句の影響はヒンディー文学に最も顕著に現れる。ヒンディー文学者アギェーイは、日本を旅行した経験もあり、俳句から大きな影響を受けた詩人だと言われている。彼が1959年に出版した詩集「(Arī Ō Karunā Prabhāmay)」には、以下のような有名な3行のシンプルな詩が収録されている。これは何かの俳句の訳詩のようだ(元の俳句が何かは不明)。
だが、インドの文壇において俳句を定着させるのに多大な貢献をしたのは、サティヤブーシャン・ヴァルマー教授である。彼は「(日本の詩)」や「(日本の俳句と近代ヒンディー詩)」などの著作を著しただけでなく、「インド俳句クラブ」を設立し、1981年から「हाइकु(Haiku)」という雑誌を発刊し始めた。同誌は1989年に廃刊となってしまったが、インドにおける俳句の人気を決定的なものとした。また、1998年にはバグワトシャラン・アガルワール教授がヒンディー語の季刊誌「(Haiku Bharati)」を刊行し、こちらは現在まで続いているようだ。
Kore De India : Takuboku and Haiku
Rajiv Lather's Haiku, Senryu & Haibun
darshan of Brahman
as children laugh and play
maya leads away
Find more of his haiku here:
Rain drops falling down
Fisherman catching the fish
Children are playing
Sriharsha G H, X
Bangalore: U.A.S. Campus School, Hebbal
Haiku in THE HINDU
Haiku Expeditions in India
Haiku Expeditions Com
Some Haiku from the trip in 2003
Tusks and trunks broken
Elephant statues
Still stand guard
On the ghats
Lazing dogs
And games of cricket
stoking fire
on the roadside
time for morning chai
Read more and look at the marvellous photos !
© Sanjay Rajan 2002-2006
...................... More LINKS
The Impact of Haiku on Indian Literature
March 29 - 31, 1999, the Institute of Asian Studies
Bollimuntha Venkata Ramana Rao
author of Chigurukala (Haiku anthology in Telugu)
. Wonder Haiku Worlds .
The Brahman Way of Haiku.
Narayanan Raghunathan
Hindi Haiku LINKS
Tamil Haiku LINKS
Kannada Haiku and Poetry LINKS

ooooo ooooo
Haiku in Bangladesh
Haiku in Bhutan BHUTAN SAIJIKI
Haiku in Nepal
Haiku in Pakistan
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Kigo from the World . Open Discussion Forum
Contribute your Kigo from INDIA !
11 Jan - 20 Jan 2008
'The Joy of Haiku'.
Mrs Kala Ramesh comes from Pune specially to bring Haiku to Shamiana.
Haiku is a three-line form of poetry that has become extremely popular all over the world.
Learn how to write your own and how to appreciate haiku.
If you love poetry this is a workshop not to be missed.
Yes, realy Haiku is a three line form of poetry that has become extremely popular and I like very much.
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